How to Prepare for a Comprehensive Final Exam

            1.   Start to prepare early.

            Actually, start to prepare at the very beginning of the term by steadfastly

 learning mathematics using the strategies and tips that these notes have

outlined. The previous section “How to Prepare for an Exam” contains many good methods that also apply to preparing for a comprehensive final exam.


2.      Save all the following items for you final exam review:

(a)    all graded assignments (written assignments, take-home exams, quizzes, in-class exams, etc.);

(b)   all problem assignments you did during the term;

(c)    all class notes;

(d)   all exam review notes and study guides;

(e)    all class hand-outs.


3.      Allow yourself enough  time to do the following:

(a)    review all major in-class exams;

(b)    review all other graded assignments;

(c)    review class notes;

(d)    review your notes taken from you preparation for term exams (see items 10 and 12 of the previous section;

(e)    skim through the sections which were covered in text, pausing to work representative problems here and there.


4.      Identify what you have trouble with.

Get help from you instructor or a classmate on topic that give you trouble.


5.      Identify what you know.

What are your strengths and your strong skills in the course? Sharpen these with practice and review so that they remain your strengths on the final.